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Anabelle 557d
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I'm starting to realize I'm actually very insecure with how I sound and I speak. Why specifically was like, like the speed at which I speak and how I enunciate words. I feel like I have a lot of thoughts racing through my mind and I'm trying to speak them all as quickly as I can and to do that I have to kind of like skip over some of the words or like slur them together to get there quickly enough to like get my point across and it makes me sound slow. Like I literally sound stupid. I'm just like like it's I don't know I don't I think I sound weird and people get confused I also think I have a soft spoken voice sometimes too and I hate that because so many people just speak over me and they don't know this I'm speaking and I'm just like uh, infinite the consequences of my own actions, but yeah. If you have any insecurities, And if they'll let me know, I'm interested. That's it.
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It deleted this like four times, but um I used to be like that I used to be really insecure about like everything I did and I kind of just sat down and asked myself like why am I so Embarrassed and secure about all the stuff about me and most of the time it was like I don't know. I just am and I think the sooner I let that go the way more like I had so much more fun Like now I'm just chilling. I'm having fun, you know things come things go like I don't know People also don't care nearly as much as you think they do. Like just do you. It's really it's really fun, bro
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