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My question is how would you say your childhood has created who you are today? Do you have certain fears that stem from your childhood? Are you aware of them? Are you unaware of them? For example for me I know I have a big fear with people and reaching out and I feel like it stems from not having a good home life where I could do that with my family. You know my family wasn't present for me to to do that and even when they were there and I did ask or reach out for help, they were too stressed out to properly receive me and help me, you know. And that's something I struggle with to this day as an adult and like my friendships and relationships and in turn it makes me admire people that can do that. People that can have a lot of people around them and tell them things and ask for things and all that and I'm like, I really admire that. Yeah. Yeah.
Bonds. But absolutely I feel like our childhood shapes us, shapes our psyche in a way, shapes how we react is a great source of our triggers and how we get triggered. So I think that as we get older and more self-aware it's up to us to then re-parent our inner world to an extent.
Finau is coughing up yonder a simulator Yandry simulator gotcha life gotcha club Roblox fucking cringe stuff being fucking emo come in my room is set on my route Oh basically all that shit
Listen, so what I believe in is I believe that you're past the picture of the future and how you are today. So my past feels like very very very traumatic, like a lot of stuff happened to me when I was a young age. So obviously I'm not gonna be as calm as I'm supposed to be so I'm like very... I know people will say right, Glyce, but you know, this is my childhood, like, the past See you next week.
I'm a firm believer of everything happens for a reason and like anything you come across is actually being brought to your attention because you most definitely can handle it. You get what I'm saying? But I feel like you have to accept the past, move on from the past and just live life and just see life for what it is. You can't dull on the past. the past you can't be upset about your past.
Uh, I do not have 30 seconds is not long enough to unpack that fucking package of, uh, listen here buckaroo. I have a patience to tell you my life story or to unpack how my childhood traumatized me into becoming the person I am today. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, listen. That's a long story, not a short one, not a long quotation mark story.