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Are you ain't go front man I'm in need of a firearm how many my Bible and I'm gonna need a sexy lady oh wait that's the message things that's the person I saw a gun My Bible and some marijuana with a lighter note does that count as for Oregon marijuana lie to be together and it'll be three but we should pick though maybe years would be better than months
Definitely definitely definitely need the Bible so I agree with you with that a knife is great I think I said a gun but I'll take a guy a gun or a knife a big ass machete knife or a gun and then I will Jada toys matches or lighter which is cool I definitely want to fuck with the match is good you know if you wanna island at the water got that breeze coming in anytime try to match Debbie is going to be hot as hell use imagination
If I could bring three things to a deserted island, it would be a flint rock so I could always get a fire going. It would be a pan so I could boil water or cook. And of course a hand crank radio so that way I would never lose my beautiful funk and just go. I'd be funkin' out all over that island, baby. Always.
And as far as my Bible goes, I didn't add that in because I think I know enough scripture where I could continually go over it in my mind. Yeah, but the funk has got to come. And so does the pot and so does the flint rock. So the Lord's already with me. Amen. Amen
Amen the day amen today and we all got to be in the team we gotta be some sort of irritated with us that was a flies message to Heidi thank you for gracing me with your braces
Yeah that's a very very very wise choice is very wise choices on I don't even think about Wells mostly bro I am a D102 but I'll build one did I say I'm a bring a big machete with a pistol oh no but a builder
Not a sexy lady I'm sure you'll meet one of those on the island if someone else gets lost too but I would bring my machete a radio because I can break it down and use it for other things and a notepad so I can journal and drawl like pictures a different of fruits and vegetables that I come across
Well hopefully we get deserted on the same Eileen and I was sold the sexy baby issue but yeah that's crafty with the radio you want to give me some more details like with some of the concoctions you're gonna rebuild out of the radio pot also dumb looking through with the autistic shit that's late I like that
So I'm not gonna hold you I need a pack of car covers you feel me I need a tent need a car cover I need a pack of them I just don't want one I want multiples of them holes and then I need a pocket knife and I need help lighter a headlight it is it that she can Ledgewood like a year you have on light and shit so yeah that's the only thing I need a hand lighter a knife and a pack of car covers bro
Ayo before I say what I'm gonna say I'm gonna say that hemp later she is Gigi's that was fucking geez I even think about it you need that lady is gonna last for them all down or you better learn how to make some fucking fight because we're not regulated done you done also that what you trying to have multiple bedrooms you trying to build a mansion a different bedroom that's why I wouldn't call covers
What do you fight one of them bitches get lost in the wind tiki for me would like it is my father I got Pacalypse are you talking about anyone to cover me and want to leave one but the other ones are Packers bro
No that's some real Knigge shit yo you a fucking genius Loki or hockey yeah you a genius I'm at the star fuck you ask you for every day or if I see it knowledge with every day
A water filter. A multi-tactical knife. No, no, no, multi-tactical machete eye because I'm gonna have to crack open some coconuts because we're gonna be living good. And then... I was gonna say sunscreen, but whatever, we cooking bitches. What would be the third thing? A mirror.
Yo I'm gonna hold you Ulysses lady and I mean low-key but what you mean by a water filter like you actually gonna bring like what they call them she stays in the store I forgot but you're gonna bring out a little a jug with a water filter connected and then when I filter go bad what you gonna do that you have to have a fuel filters on deck how many feel did you bring in which they might fuck up your whole ask them to filters might be taken out
Copy copy I get what you're saying in that absolutely makes sense light that was genius because honestly I'm dead from from thirst from being thirsty Cuz can't drink the salt water right and what's the chances of a island in the middle OG deserted with a lake in the middle with freshwater so brilliant is it all
Not not like I'd love to go into the fact that this motherfucker said Bible, but he said a sexy lady, okay? Oh, so we're just bringing people now. We're just bringing extra hands Wow talk about a challenge right surviving out in the butt fucking nowhere. Yeah, you have someone to suck your dick Okay, you're fine. You're fine Get I just bring three people with me like fuck everything else Just get three people extra hands? What? any other item in the entire list.
Oh gosh that was just a joke bro and I know that there's truth in Jack's but I was just suggest you have a light at the end of the day oh a person is not a thing and you got to bring three things so yeah I don't know why you still hung on that shit But I deafly gonna bring my Bible that's gonna be mine to take my reading of my scriptures