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I seen this video everywhere and I literally do believe her because you know there's a lot of things in this world that no one tells us about where they hide so it is a possibility that she could be a sing some thing I'm not playing no doubt I know I would've got off as well to be honest a lot of people say she was drunk or crazy but usually that's what they say when they wanna cover up some thing right so yeah
Well I'm gonna add to the misery but usually I figure I'm covered by the blood of Jesus so I wouldn't be disturbed by that but I think I would've got off that plane while I'm also on the update on the story is the guy that she was talking about he made a video on YouTube he claims he was drunk and also she's missing and nobody can find her
I don't know. White women in the media nowadays don't have a good look. So with that being said, you know, on the other side of that, I believe that she definitely could have seen something. We've reached different frequencies of vibrations and, you know, things are starting to open up. And those hidden beings that were more or less shadows are now starting to become actual figures.
Wow that's a straw take you know when you get it at all frequencies it portals be an open Nessa strong take me I like that I was deep I don't know too much about that but I love him and stuff like that you're saying so thanks for that