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Part two of how I caught my ex girlfriend cheating on me in 2018 so help me and my ex girlfriend was a she would block my number and she would block my messenger on Facebook and she would block me on Facebook and messenger if I went and sent her a text She only wanted me to send her a good night text and a good morning text but if I went in the middle of the day sent her like a I love you text or any text in general she would block my number or she would have her family call me and threaten me and tell me that if she if I don't stop I sent her a text that she'll block me on my number so she blocked my number out of punishment every For him for the entire relationship she would do this every day she would block my number and then unblock my number in the morning and then she would block my number again Bubba Bubba blah anyway so around the 31st she told me in a Vance like around In September she was gonna see if she goes I'm gonna go hang out with my ex boyfriend and I told her I feel uncomfortable with you hanging out with another guy especially with a guy that you state so you know she was telling me I was a narcissist I wasn't an asshole I was A toxic man and stuff like that and so on so she went and had you know hung out with her ex-boyfriend of course she blocked me because she didn't want to the repercussions of her actions biting her
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