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How I caught my ex girlfriend of 2018 cheated on me so into thousand 18 I started dating this girl who gave me weird man saying that she didn't want me to text her and stuff like that which is a big an indication that a girl is cheating on a guy him if they get extremely upset if you text him Anyway so I caught my ex girlfriend cheating on me twice in 2018 so this was the year when in the Incredibles two came out so my ex girlfriend asked me if I could take her to the movies and so I went to her house and I noticed that there was a pick up truck and her a green arenas pick up truck in her driveway And I wouldn't her family let me and her in there in her house and I knocked on her door her doors locked I heard someone knocked a jumping out of her window because they got scared and you know the guy didn't know that she was in a relationship so he freaked out and bolted so I looked at go because they have a cut the corners to lever Until around act in this around June to July so in September of yeah Rosa September September 30 303 first she decided she owe months or out in September she told me that she was going to hang out with one of her ex boyfriends and I told him I I don't feel comfortable with that and you know she gave started giving me bullshit saying I was controlling and stuff like that but I was extremely just telling her I felt uncomfortable with her hanging out with another guy
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