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Okay, question for all you animal lovers. So I had to take my cat to the vet today because she's missing fur on her side. What the hell is she doing? I mean is it allergies? Is it something she's, I don't know, scratching on or is she just stressed? I have no idea, nothing has changed in this house, you know what I mean? So in my defense she's trying to give herself a haircut but the haircut isn't going very well. But yeah that was my day today, oh and let's talk about the fact that she was supposed to get her nails trimmed but she's a murder cat, literally a serial killer when it comes to anyone touching her nails. So that wasn't happening again so now she just has long talons and I am scared shitless of her even more.
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I'm sorry to tell you this but your cat got corona like listen, I know It's like not possible for a cat get corona, but it's possible and it's like a real thing. So I would say like get get help or something. I don't know who can help you but Stay away from that cat until it gets over that COVID.
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So you are people called that shit Corona what the fuck I drink Corona every day I think there's a card corner now kroner never mind
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Yeah I think your cat really got Corona I think you should take her outside to the beach give her more bottles kroner and you are just sat there watching the sunset drinking Corona with some lime that's life
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