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Rose Ross 686d
Rose Ross
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Troy McClure 686d
Troy McClure
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Thomas Torres 686d
Thomas Torres
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You want to know something that I find really strange? Why is cleaning so therapeutic? No seriously, like when you clean the house after you're done you feel so accomplished and you feel like yeah I just fucking took on an army of pirates you know? Like I feel amazing I just cleaned our entire bedroom especially and I just feel so good and now I'm just meditating I'm about to have a smoothie and I'm about to be a boss bitch. Yeah that's how you do it ladies. Is that how you feel also.
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For me it's probably the end result. Just seeing everything in order and in place makes me feel good.
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After cleaning, yeah, it feels very good because the houses are all clean and stuff, but during cleaning it's just long and takes ages to clean the house.
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It's not really all that strange rose not strange at all work is the way to heal your soul and always has been if he opened up some scriptures might actually know that so Work is the way to heal so yes it's cathartic and it's therapeutic and fuck yeah it makes you feel better to two cents take it for what it's worth
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