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Pedro Lopez 680d
Pedro Lopez
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I think I've always been really good at is knowing when I need to take a mental health day I don't know if I the beginning I really need you I need to take a mental health day as I was just in such a bad place and there is no shot I was getting to work and I'm so thankful for the boss that I had at the time when I was going through all of this because I put her through heck and we still talk to this day she has been one of my strongest support people but I just want to pop on here and say don't feel bad for taking mental health days if you think you need one take one because your mental health is so important you are so important and you need to put yourself first like Unfortunately we can be replaced on the jobs in the blink of an eye even if we don't think so so put yourself first
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I think I like how it's becoming more common for people to take meds of days and previous jobs like pre-pandemic him you know you were just called out then right after the pandemic I started a job and when you called out they had a list of things and one of them was a mental health day and the fact that was an option and I was just amazing because it showed that the company actually cared and the company were for not definitely like cares and understands
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