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Nathalie Velazquez
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Phil 685d
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Somebody's sitting here going I fucking hate this up be honest be on it I'm gonna get the fuck out of here, and yeah, and they're sitting there wondering So every single thing that you think is funny that could be questioned as a joke and then unfortunately non funny people Including not only non funny people, but also like people unfortunately like women who are like no that's the decision even though they're the ones like literally driving down the street with like their phones out they're like no that's not funny so then I have to sit here and go again am I funny yeah I don't think I'm funny but god damn this is the kind of decision I have to think about whereas like ordinarily it would have been just an awful the cuff joke and like who the fuck cares
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I actually really like it. So far I've been having like a lot of friends here and interacting with new people and it's been good so far so maybe you should give a try.
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I like it I think it might be we need to use it more but I feel I can work without using dental be better but as of right now it's not that bad honestly
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