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Anthony larson
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Katie Casillas
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Jenna Kreitinger
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Okay, baby's in bed. I am relaxing. We made sliders for dinner. They're so good. Here's my new secret to sliders. So instead of like making the patties in the pan, I just add onions to the beef in the pan and like mix it all up. And then And then you guys, I add cream cheese, like to one pound of beef, I add like four ounces of cream cheese, actually probably only like three and mix it up and it like melts all in there. And then I put them on the slider buns and put them in the oven and it's so fricking good. Anyway, so I had my sliders, having a glass of wine, relaxing and just trying to like meditate because, and like relax in my mind because I know that tomorrow it's like, gonna be the same. Gonna be chaotic, like the same day. Oh my gosh. So I hope everyone's having a good day. Just trying to like breathe and like, look on the bright side, but sometimes parenting is freaking hard. So that's what I came here to say.
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Huh. That sounds disgusting.
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Oh that sounds pretty freaking amazing I may have to try that so then you put them in the oven and bake them to cover it so like oil doesn't splatter everywhere cause I feel like I tried to cook sliders in the in the air fryer and it just made a huge mess so tell me more and parenting is freaking hard all the time I feel that
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That sounds absolutely amazing. I don't understand why everybody's commenting that it sounds disgusting I don't even eat me and that sounds freaking amazing to me. So I don't know what people are on today, but I think it sounds amazing and I think that's a really smart idea and I've never heard somebody do that.
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