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Alyssa Kunz 523d
Alyssa Kunz
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Alexis Sabrina
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Sophia Lazary 523d
Sophia Lazary
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Christina Marshall
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So, do you guys celebrate May Day with your kids? Growing up, I remember we would always make little May Day baskets and then go put them on a couple of our friends' doorsteps in the neighborhood and me and my best friend growing up always said happy May Day, it was always fun. And I know that when my daughter's older, I'll wanna make May Day baskets. So I was wondering if that's like still a thing.
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I never heard of this before I never did this when I was a kid I never see any kids do it I've never even seen like the kids that I grew up with do it too so I don't know kind of interesting though
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I am actually not a never heard of this and I don't know how I would celebrate it so I'm totally interested to know like more about it and what you have to share but that is not some thing that I grew up with and I don't know I just feel like that's like a really fun thing to do like what's in the baskets is it like treats or like is there like something specific you put in the baskets
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I'm so happy to hear that you did this we didn't do it quite like that we would always make something to do with flowers or we would go pick tulips are you know some thing so leave it like really makes you can't wait for spring to actually come in summer and actually show up we did something like that too usually like we waited till it was a sunny day and it's rain today obviously and today's my day so I'm going to definitely tell me when I get sunny with my daughter
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I've never heard of a May Day celebration. That's new to me. It sounds interesting though. So yeah, we don't celebrate May Day. I've never heard of that.
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