Getting straight to the point here tonight, which one is more valuable? Education or experiences? I am so torn about it and I would love to hear your take because like I said, I'm on the fence and I'm not sure which one. I feel like they both are just the same, but correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm going to go with experience over education because for example, mechanic, who you rather have someone that knows or experience with it or have the education behind it because I rather have someone having an experience fixing my car then the person just has the education of it.
It depends on the company but if I decide not overall I'm gonna have to go to experience a lot of companies today definitely overlook your education because I really wanna just make sure you know what the fuck you're doing but some companies do you want you to have that bachelors degree before you can even get your foot in the door so it just varies between companies
Education is more valuable because if you take the time to know something, learn something, you're educating yourself. And then when you educate yourself, you can then teach others because you now have that experience from learning and from educating. So yeah, you can experience something, but do you want to experience something that you don't know? or would you want to know something, then experience that.
Definitely like experiences because education like they only teach you what's on the curriculum. Like when George Washington got ahead for the first time, like that's not important. But having experiences in different things will help you out in life, depending on what it is you know.
I'd say that experiences are more important by a long shot even though education is important most people can only I can only understand certain things if they're in that position or if they experience it firsthand and I mean yeah