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Maddy Marceau 376d
Maddy Marceau
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Alyssa Kunz 376d
Alyssa Kunz
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Kaitlyn Grosz
Christina Marshall
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Christina Marshall
Emmanda 371d
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Britt 369d
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Sandra Wolk 368d
Sandra Wolk
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Alexis Sabrina
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Alexis Sabrina
Malori 366d
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Zenovia G 366d
Zenovia G
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Malori 365d
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Happy Friday guys it was super super rainy here all day long like has not stopped raining for a second definitely my least favorite weather but I'm just curious do you guys have any I'm reading the activities you like to do with your kiddos typically when it rains or do you have a routine or just gonna wing it or survival mode we try to do like a lot of crafts and just like building forts in that kind of stuff when it rains
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The rains PO to McDonald's or Chick-fil-A and play in the park and it is super enjoyable for me because it's really relaxing and make it look sad
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Honestly we kind of just wing it like I don't know like will play I'll do arts and craft some oh you know watch a movie will play the Xbox it kind of depends
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Yeah for sure we wing it also I'm in touch in the good a lot of arts and crafts on rainy days but little more screen time than normal and rainy days too but sometimes it's just survival mode and you know that's OK
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I pretty much wing it. When the weather sucks, we'll do a movie, we'll play board games, or if they're like super hyper, I have this book that, um, I don't even remember where I got it from. I have a kids cooking book, and I would literally like, especially if we have like all the ingredients, I would just let them have at it in the kitchen, and that'll keep them busy. And it normally works, like whenever it's super hyper, I'm like, oh, try it, look, come make this. And they all work together and they'll like do the recipe. people were
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So they'll all work together gathering the ingredients and doing the measurements and everything and making like whatever it is whether it's cupcakes, cookies or you know some little quick lunch stack, whatever it is they'll all work together to do it and it normally works and so that's what I do. what I do. Of course, supervise. I'm in the kitchen with them, but they love it and it It helps calm them down as well.
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Where we live it's like always raining so I made it a point to like have a fun like playroom or like learning room and we call it but they have a sensory table and I look on Pinterest for like different like ideas to make in the sensory bin and then magnet tiles they're starting to love and then like blocks and Legos too.
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Honestly yeah I just kind of wing it personally just depends on my kids mood what they're feeling up to that day most rainy days I always want to just like sit inside and just watch a family movie together
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I see you like a lot of times I just we just kind of hang out at home I do want to take my daughter out more when it rains just for her to like experience that so I think that's all we're doing next time it rains
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Last couple of days were pretty rainy with us too and we just kinda like stayed inside building forts is definitely one of the big things we do and also doing like colouring pages and watercolours things like that and my son loves to do century bins so those two but most the time we're just kind of like inside coing up I definitely would love to take them to the lake playing puddles and stuff when it rains but honestly it's just like not
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The honestly playing in puddles does not sell like the best idea maybe if we were like in a park or something or like where it would probably be like more fun I just feel like in the street in front of our house would not be like the best idea for jumping in puddles but yeah I feel like that would be fun for toddlers to do
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Honestly when it rains I don't have like specific activities that I like to do just because my toddler is only one and we recently just moved out of my mom's house so we don't really have any like crafty stuff I really need to go and just run to dollar tree and get a bunch of like a crafting stuff so that we have things to do but I really just wing it I will make up things around the apartment with stuff that we have or just play with them read with them stuff like that
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I'd say watching a movie for sure just you know Cu no watch it a movie if not maybe a board game I just you you relaxing around the house
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Definitely following along the state a little bit more ideas but we like to read or maybe paint but we just moved so we don't have like that much craft stuff we like to draw stuff like that I know there's a lot of like sensory bin type stuff I need to get some stuff to make sensory bins but I'm deathly following along because when we are just trapped in the house on rainy days we cannot find much to do in watching TV or something
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