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Sandra Wolk 690d
Sandra Wolk
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Sandra Wolk 690d
Sandra Wolk
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Elissa JL
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Alyssa Kunz
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Eternal 680d
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there's something about spring when that spring weather hits that makes me just want to get out trash bags and just accidentally throw away some toys wink wink but for real we have so many little trinkets and toys and a lot of them my son won't even know that they're gone and so i think it's time to just declutter because we have so much and yeah there's just something about that spring weather that makes me just want to purge and get rid of a lot of stuff.
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Gosh I thought I was only one that felt like this I am exactly the same way I did like a whole big spring clean up and I'm still working on her upstairs she'll probably get it to this weekend yeah I'll call you and if we're getting some stuff out but like we need to freaking clean
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Gosh I thought I was only one that felt like this I am exactly the same way I did like a whole big spring clean up and I'm still working on her upstairs she'll probably get it to this weekend yeah I'll call you and if we're getting some stuff out but like we need to freaking clean
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I'm always throwing away my kids toys. Well, the little toys. They have so many of those little small toys, like it's crazy. And they don't even notice they're gone. I've thrown, I don't even know how many I've thrown away, but I've thrown away quite a lot. They're big toys. If I notice they don't play with them, then we just take those to Goodwill. But those little ones, yeah, I throw those away frequently.
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I completely agree with this and I went through and I only got like a half of a trash bag of toys they were just like random pieces that didn't even you don't go along with anything anymore but even so I could just so many I feel bad throwing them away like I should donate them or some thing but it's not even just the toys going through the cupboards going through the closets I agree that the spring weather really really brings it out in May
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I always like the clutter organize throw toys away and get rid of stuff that we don't need anymore I always donate things that we don't need and then I was clean a lot so I donis I always do this like spraying in it like it seems like it lasts like throughout the majority of spring
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That is crazy I didn't know that spring cleaning was like really a thing like during this time I've been really wanting to draw things wanting to like refresh wanting to sell things so I'm not sure if this is just like a common thing during this time I am just going through a whole minimalism mentality now
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How do you say I love spring cleaning I am almost like a soon as the air smells different and he gets warmer I'm like yeah this needs to go Disney's girl we need to clean up this
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I almost feel like deca-watered. It's like, I don't know, it's a really good feeling.
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Yeah, spring cleaning hits so hard. I, if I start a task, like I will just keep going nonstop until like I am physically exhausted or it's like three in the morning. So yeah, the spurge clean in the spring is like another like during the year.
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You are so right with that it's like all of a sudden all of these pieces that somehow never have a place just find their place in the trash magically but you know it's it's a good reason to bring in more new toys if we just get rid of the old ones that's Seno felt though be forget they never remembered they're so young they just go through things so fast
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I don't like you. Why are you throwing away just straight up shit? Like you could just go give it to a thrift store or... I don't know, instead of driving to the dump, drive to a thrift store. Or I don't know, give it to friends and family or sell it online to make your money back. Why the fuck are you just outright throwing it away? Also, when you said you were gonna like throw away toys, wink, wink, I thought you meant you were gonna throw away toys, It's not toys, like actual fucking toys.
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