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Alexis Sabrina
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Alyssa Kunz
Kaitlyn Grosz 689d
Kaitlyn Grosz
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Alyssa Kunz
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Good evening since it has been nice out for the past couple days we decided to go take a evening walk on the river after we had dinner so it's very nice out has a nice breeze it's not too hot and it's very beautiful out here it's nice I love getting out and just enjoying a walk but I hope everyone is having a great day and I will talk to you later
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that river walk looks so nice after it rains over the weekend. i'm hoping to go down to the trail near our house. it is also by the river and stuff. it's just like i love little river walks. those are my favorite little places to walk. oh also no wait, by the beach. by the beach first and then I never walks
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Yes I definitely agree with you on that beach walks are always like my favorite and I miss going to the beach because like that was always like my favorite thing to do like just walking by the beach having the sand on my toes hearing the waves crash so nice
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That sounds so so nice what is the temperature like where you're living where in Michigan and it's been raining literally all day long and like barely 50 so it's been pretty pretty cold but hopefully at warm weather and nicer weather is coming soon April showers usually brings my flowers so we will see
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Today or reach the high of 72 so lately we've been in like between like the 60s and 70s I know it's it is supposed to rain this weekend and I'm kind of disappointing that because we really can't do a whole lot during the week because my husband goes to work and then my oldest goes to school so like we try and do our fun activities on the weekends was kinda hard to do that when it's raining
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