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Jena Schuerman
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Alyssa Kunz
Jordana 690d
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Kellie Brown 690d
Kellie Brown
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Malori 690d
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Alyssa Kunz
Jania Torres 690d
Jania Torres
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Hey good morning I just wanted to come on here and say that I hope you're having a great morning I am packing up the diaper bag and also packing up my daughters feeding bag as well because we are meeting up with my mom here shortly we're gonna go to the mall and then we're going to get something to eat not sure what we're gonna have for lunch yet but we always figure that out at like the last minute it seems like Will you let me know what you are doing for today let me know what your plans are and I hope you enjoy the rest of your morning and have a good day today I'll talk to you guys soon
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That sounds like a really fun day. I'm so glad that it's Thursday. I'm ready for the weekend. Our weekends start Thursday afternoon because my daughter has school only Monday through Thursday with it being preschool, half day they don't do Fridays or whole days. And so weekend has technically already started. She has her first T-Ball practice tonight which is late so hoping that all goes well with my two younger children that are two and one, but we'll see.
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Well that's exciting. I hope that her first tee ball practice goes good and that your two younger kids don't give you a hard time.
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I hope you have a great time with your mom. I am not doing anything. I'm sitting outside right now with Zane and my nephew CJ They're playing and I'm probably going to go inside soon.
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That sounds awesome. I hope you guys have a good time.
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So so far today with Stan took it easy I went and got him a coffee this morning came from a friend came over to visit for a little talk my son Took a nap and now here we are cleaning my house I got annoyed a little funk I guess and started just going crazy with cleaning but my mom shortly and her and I are going to go visit my grandma so I'm doing today
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Sometimes I get in a funk and I just like go like crazy with cleaning I don't know why but I hope that you will have a good visit with your grandma
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So today we woke up had breakfast play a little get ready so I can go get my tire fixed then we went to the park came back home my son has been napping for 2 1/2 hours now and I think I'm gonna get him up soon so we can have lunch and I got to clean all in those 2 1/2 hours so I am pretty happy
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