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Breze Kimble-Moore
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Arielle Van-Mballa
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Are you the type to get revenge on somebody who did you wrong or do you just like let it go ignore the situation and MoveOn because I don't know I feel like there's a lot of ways to get revenge on somebody but I don't know if I could do that
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This is such a good one. I feel like I've always wanted to be like, oh, let me get my, you know, get back but I'm never, I never do it. I never do it because I feel like Karma will come back so hard on me and I don't want that and so I'm like whatever just I I try to move on. I try to move on. I'm always talked out of it. So I just move on and go about my life
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I think that I would just MoveOn because the first thing is fun after the first time but it's just not healthy to be toxic and have your ego be stroke by thinking you're going to get revenge or that they care it sometimes it's not even worth it
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