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Sunshine 683d
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Blinera 682d
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Arielle Van-Mballa
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OK this is kind of for the girls but do you prefer a guy with a beard and mustache type situation like any type of facial hair or do you like your men clean-shaven because I feel like guys with all that facial hair look way older than me and I already look pretty young so I don't want to be walking around with a guy who looks like my dad or like older brother or something so I would like to go for more of like a clean-shaven look
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Oh this is a great question Tia OK so I do a lot of facial hair but I also like clean-shaven it just depends on the face to be honest I'm open to either or which when I pick over the other I have no idea I got it just depends on the face but I'm in my 30s so he can look older if he needs to but it's like what does he look like without the facial hair you know you wake up so like a whole Nother person like skews me
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with facial hair of course
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I honestly don't know it's just me but I really can't do beards not that there's anything wrong with them I just feel like the pre-pill people that I determine shocked you never have a beard I think tears are also very scratchy so I don't know I like the model S look
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