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So this might be a touchy topic here so any other mamas have ADHD so I feel like this impacts so much stuff with my day-to-day life I hate the fact that I've ADHD I try my best self medicate but I don't like the prescription medication they give you for ADHD I don't like being that number you know I like the social thanks But I feel like it really impacts the way I clean like I clean everything simultaneously at once like I'll be doing the dishes and vacuuming then I have to go finish the dishes then I'll be clean that's not Baba and it's hard let me know if you to struggle with us
I do not have ADHD specifically but I am Nuro divergent and yes it definitely does affect your day today constantly But self medication does help doesn't it
Yeah that definitely sounds like me I'll be on to one project cleaning one thing and then I'll jump to the next and my boyfriends always like can you just finish one thing at a time but yeah it goes way farther than just cleaning I mean I'll get like hooked onto like a hobby or some thing and then And then I'll get tired of it right now like onto the next hobby
Oh my god this is so me to the hobbies oh my gosh I have a wood burner I have sewing machines I don't even wanna talk about that everything is new level because like I can't stay focussed on one thing I'm also a machinist so I like to build stuff so it's like I'm all over the net Very similar
OK so how can I do I just ask my aunt doctor to get tested for ADHD or like how did you find out you had a CD a DHD because I think I have it I just don't know but I am a very impulsive cleaner like I hate to have the freaking home like no Not be a certain way like it needs to be a certain way for me to feel good
I've honestly always thought that everybody has a little bit of ADHD or something going on with them because Our brains are wack, but yeah, you can't ask the doctor to diagnose you they have a really hard time with women for some reason because I don't know women have always been like a Weird topic for ADHD and autism for some reason, but yeah, you can get tested. I got tested when I was a kid because I was just wacky as a kid and I would not pay attention to anything and And yeah.