All right, following up yesterday's post about jobs, I want to know, are you a spender or saver? Right now, I am a saver. I allocate certain funds to cover things like bills and entertainment and whatnot. But I will say, back in college, I was a massive spender and I was a broke college student, let me tell you. But yeah, I would love to hear how you are these days.
Arm for me I think I'm both I think I spend but I save as well so I don't overspend but sometime I do treat myself because I have a hard time with treating myself but I like to treat everybody else so yeah I would say I'm in the middle of this one
Oh now it is kinda hard for us to see it because we have a Lotta spending to do like and the spending is mostly on the important stuff like getting a car figs in all of this other stuff because we need the car to travel to get our son places to get us to work and all of that stuff so What is it is kind a hard to save room
Yeah I'm exactly like her exactly like you I used to be a Spender but now I'm a saver I'm Jenna save as much as possible I am trying to keep tight on the budget and yeah just just saying invest yeah that's what I didn't used to be like that
Yeah I think everyone would like to say that in the middle but if I'm honest right now and say I'm Spender just because I'm travelling round the world is currently in Australia and got a few more countries go to so a lot more of my money is being spent on therefore spent
I can't lie, I have my months, you know. Some months, like, I actually save money sometimes. The only time I really spend money is when the summer comes in. film you. My bike, clothes, shoes all that.
However, I learned this rule and it's stuck with me for quite some time now. If you cannot buy at least three of the particular item, then you're not ready to buy it yet.