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Okay, I want to know what some of the cringiest or worst pickup lines any of y'all have gotten from somebody and bonus points if it's somebody that you're currently dating and or married to for me. My husband and I met on hinge and one of the prompts was because we met like in the height of the pandemic. And one of the prompts was, before the pandemic, you could find me. And my response was as close to a pit at a metal show without dying. And this man decided that the first thing he would ever say to me was, so you like metal. He's just very fortunate that when I said, who's your favorite band? Because I was like, are we kidding? He did not answer five finger death punch and obviously the rest is history. But what are some of the worst pickup lines you've heard and again bonus points if it's somebody that you're currently dating and or married to? Tell me all the things.
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