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So I made the same buns as the other day but I put homemade roasted garlic butter and three kinds of cheese in it and oh my god they were so good. We ate them with ravioli tonight and it was so good.
This look really good and the ones you posted last week to look really good too I'm gonna have to remember to make some rolls soon to try this we're making pasta tonight for dinner and I feel like these would've gone really good with them so I'm gonna have to remember because we're gonna have leftover sauce and I think sauce and some like cheesy roll sounds really good
Girl go ahead and drop the recipe because those look fire. We're like cinnamon rolls your inspiration because that's what I thought they were at first but I am here for the cheesy rose, okay?
OK so I found this awesome super easy the recipe so I've been literally like every single stuffing I can imagine inside so I'm gonna posted a recipe because I feel like anybody can do this and they're so freaking yummy
I love this your boy we have to post the doors because this is like the easiest though I've ever found it has no rice time and it's I feel like anybody can do it and you can put any feeling in there like I've done this seemed out for cinnamon buns in these and like so much I'm gonna post the recipe
Pause Basildon and I was like cinnamon rolls and you're saying who me garlic and cheese rolls I was going on there never try to know what I'm gonna say to discuss because I've never tried it is nice as long as it's not like Berrios obviously Sweet and then you just put garlic and cheese on then discuss with made from the start with Colin cheese fan of protesters
Oh my god these look amazing. Girl if I could eat the screen I would. This looks so delicious. It's like savory cinnabon. You're a genius! You should sell these.