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Gsil 512d
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Grace 512d
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I'm curious to know how you guys feel about your partners going to the strip club so personally it used to bother me in my relationships just because like I was insecure and I had never been to a strip club on my own and I always had this vision in my head of what a strip club once until like being in this new relationship I am so secure that I have no problem if the guys are having a night out because most his friends are single and pretty lame if he wants to go to the strip club with them especially if it's only like once in a blue moon And what made me even more comfortable and doing so was me and my partner went to a strip club once because we were out of town and had nothing to do and me actually going to the strip club really change my expectations on what really happens in certain strip clubs and so yeah I'm just curious to know how you guys feel about your partners going to the strip club
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So if my girlfriend went to you a shit club, I wouldn't be happy about that personally. But yeah, don't mean any idea why she's been a club.
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Yeah, this should be no problem.
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To be honest I think it's kind of weird because like I mean if you were in a relationship like unless it's defined in that relationship that like y'all are like an open relationship I just think it's weird because you're supposed to only have eyes for that person right like why do you want to go look at someone else fine over some else and if it's like all all my friends are going then
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