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Analis Floyd
Kym Kral 694d
Kym Kral
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DaSinga 685d
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Analis Floyd
CajKev 685d
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Guwop 685d
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Analis Floyd
Nina Hasbrouck
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Analis Floyd 695d
Analis Floyd
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Analis Floyd 685d
Analis Floyd
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My boyfriends birthday is coming up his birthday is on May 3 and he'll be 29 years old and I have no idea what to get him so he's financially pretty well off so anything he wants he tends to get himself and I'm really big on giving gifts about the little things but even all the little things he literally has bought stuff for tonight I'm running out of ideas on what to do for him so do you guys have any ideas what to get somebody for their birthday when they can get themselves anything already have a girl out
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I don't know if he's like a materialistic person maybe like a new pair of shoes or a new video games but if he's like an experience type of person maybe take him to like a super fancy dinner or take him on a trip like y'all can do like a little road trip together just like I don't know that's kind of hard
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Right like a super hard leg so he told me he wanted to go to New York and of course he's gonna want to pay for everything when we go to New York and like I try to buy him some thing and he had already bought it in so he's just like making it really hard to get him a gift
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I don't know take him somewhere cool like plan a really cool day I took a boyfriend once I got him his favorite cake from his like favorite bakery and then I took him bungee jumping he had like casually mention that he always wanted to do that so I took them bungee jumping so I would do some thing like cool
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Quick question how long have you guys been dating him is my first is my only question actually how long have you guys been dating because then I have nowhere to go with that
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We've been dating for a little over a year and a half like the most expensive gift I think I've gotten was one of the really nice I got a really nice smoker for Christmas it's still in the box
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I would say get him something like the guy that's about it something funny something that he can put in his house as a conversation piece so he has friends over again He could use it on them to know him maybe like a spider jumping out of the box Something along those lines OK great
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I'd say something very sentimental and they could be something that only you to have in common or a promise ring or anything that would like signify the pair of you
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Birthday gift that you should get him I think should be bought before it doesn't matter if you spend £1000 on a gift if there is no for behind of her and something he generally generally likes I think the birthday gift is pointless
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Right, and I'm typically really good at giving those more meaningful thoughtful gifts because that's kind of more of my love language, but like I feel like I've covered all the bases now. by myself the stuff that I think would be thoughtful.
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Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute my boyfriend's birthday is May 3 two and I saw you said you're going to be in New York my boyfriend we wanna go while we live in New York but we want to go to like a steakhouse in New York so yeah are you what when are you guys gonna be in the city
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So my idea since we're going to be in New York I wanna like decorate our hotel room really cute even though we're gonna be going together and then I thought about paying for like a Corvette rental for the day because after New York we have to drive to Rhode Island for a tournament and then just like treating him to a really nice dinner and the whole 9 yards for when we get back
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Yes so like we're supposed to leave today start driving it's like a 9 Hour Dr. for us to go out there and we were trying to go to like a steakhouse to potentially tomorrow so let me know if you have any good ideas
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