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John Stulpin 693d
John Stulpin
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Kill 693d
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Analis Floyd
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So I have a friend who is looking for advice on how to have like those difficult conversations with her partners and just in life because she's a non-confrontational person so she tries to avoid conflict at all costs and she kind of can be like walked over easily so I was wondering if anybody on stereo had any advice for her because if she has it for me she's like oh you're my friend you're just telling me that but if she can get it from somebody else She said that it probably be more effective so anybody have any advice for her
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You know not holding your boundaries as what we all sort of do because we want to be a people pleaser but if you don't hold your boundaries and you don't communicate you're only gonna let yourself down you're gonna resent me gonna be in this place when now you're unsure about the relationship
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I don't know if she's a grown ass woman or not and if she is a grown ass woman she would take a step back and reassess whether or not she wants to be in a relationship and if she really loves and cherish partner she would take the necessary steps to communicate in the best way possible to that partner if she's never going to communicate those difficult conversation so her partner she might as well not be in that relationship in general it's never gonna work out because communication is key weather is difficult conversations or not
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Right like I agree with you 100% and I keep trying to get her to realize that like you have to be able to be willing to have those conference conversations but she's so non-confrontational like I don't get how she just can like let basically let herself be walked all over you know
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