Hey guys, happy Friday! We made it, thank God I'm about to go in for my last day of work of the week and then it's the weekend! So I'm super excited. You guys have any fun plans? I am full-on birthday party planning mode for my son's first birthday next month and it's like all I can think about and I'm just having so much fun like planning the theme and everything So that's all I have to do. What about you guys?
Planning the first birthday is always fun and amazing and it's always like a bittersweet feeling but it is so worth it and then during the weekend I have a baseball game on Saturday at one and then on Sunday we plan on going back to the Pablo cell and getting stuff that day because his half off day that day
Definitely agree it's so bitter sweet but so fun so worth it I really hope the baseball game goes well and that sounds really fun and I love shopping like pop-up shops with like good sales and good deals and couponing and all of that like it's so exciting to like save money on things that you already need or even things that you don't need but like you feel better about it because it was a sale so yeah I hope you have a good weekend and those things go well
Keep us updated on the birthday party planning and my sons game went great they won the game 7 to 0 he hit the ball and got on base and when he was an outfielder at the batter hit he actually got the ball and got the bed out and he was super excited that was his highlight of the whole game and then we went back to the public so let me find a bunch more great deals and reaction
Found this really nice drawing online and it was originally $450 and we only got it for 99 so it was awesome and a bunch of the toys like new that we got almost 75 knives and off
Play I see you when I got home I just chill when you're on TikTok and then basically got food and then watch my shoes on the market today is wrong with your week goes for me since I started working for like two more days or so but anyways yeah I feel you it's the weekend so fun but no no plans actually turn off
Yes, I feel you girl. I'm sorry that you still have to work, but hopefully you will get to your days off soon What are you watching right now because I just finished perfect match on Netflix and now I need something else again so I'm like searching again.
What do you do for work and that's exciting I'm not even doing a first birthday for my son we had my daughter during Covid for her first birthday so she didn't get to have one and so I feel too bad to have like a big one for them so we're just doing like a little barbeque for him and having some family over nothing themed but so excited