Okay guys, so it's Sunday night and as we are going in to the new week There's something that I really want you guys to hear and I really want you to like hear me out and really listen to what I have to say okay You're doing a good job like Motherhood, parenthood, it's hard whether you're a working parent whether you're a stay-at-home parent whether you're a single parent whether you're married in your relationship, if you have a blended family, if you're a stepmom with no biological kids, if you're like a grandma who's raising her kids, like whatever the situation is, even if you're like a two parent household with all this like money and you own your own home and everything, there is always something hard and you're doing a good job. Like just hang in there, know that you are supported, I'm always here if anyone needs to talk. just stay positive. Remember everything is temporary, the good, the bad, you could have it all today and lose it all tomorrow. So focus on what's important and that is you, your babies, and just know that everything's gonna be okay. Just keep going and just, I don't know, just stay positive and yeah, I just want you all to hear that you're doing a good job because I think sometimes we doubt ourselves or we don't hear that enough. So if you're listening to this and you're parent just know that you're doing a good job.
Thank you so much like seriously we do not hear it enough we all need to hear it sometimes and we do not hear enough so thank you for giving that back to me
Thank you for this reminder. Yeah, I agree with you. It's always there's always gonna be something hard about parenting and being in this whole realm of parenthood and Sometimes you may have it all but there's always something that's not fully balanced then Yeah, thanks for the reminder.