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ReissThomas Hadaway
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Amzino 381d
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Zah 380d
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Nicholas GROSZ
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Caroline Forbes
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Altin Veliu 380d
Altin Veliu
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Bahrijehaxha 380d
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Alice Swash 379d
Alice Swash
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Dami Hughes
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So guys so you're gonna hate me for this but I haven't actually watched a full Harry Potter movie so if you guys have did you guys like it and what's the best one and you guys recommend it
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Harry Potter is one of my favourite franchises and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is personally my favourite one.
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Hi postcode like have to go watch it back I want to be three years and I don't really like the first couple but after the first couple hours I like the rest
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Love Harry Potter, I'm an absolute Harry Potter fan and I don't know you know I think the Prison of Aspergum was actually really really good yeah maybe that one.
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I do like the Harry Potter series. I tried reading the books when I was younger. Just too long. Couldn't get through it. But you know, thank God for movies right? Can I get the experience? I've seen them all through. I recommend, I believe it's the third one, the Chamber of Secrets. That's a, that was one of my favorites for sure out of all of them. the giant bass gliss, the snake and just watch it be a good one.
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I don't really like Harry Potter so please don't come for me I'm really sorry but I think if I had I have seen them but I think if I to pick one out say the second has to be my favourite one
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I hear I hear that the first time wash my hair profile was last year, binged the very good I recommend it as a prisoner of ask a ban for a favour
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I love Harry Potter and the best Harry Potter movie is The Prisoner of Azkaban.
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I've never really watched Harry Potter, but I'd love to watch it.
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No do you know what I'm the same as you I think I watch like bits of the first one but like so long ago when I was a kid and then I'm pretty sure there are other ones but if I watch any others I wish I did I thought about now but yeah same as you
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No I didn't enjoy Harry Potter search your parents are no better people have it by journey and never really got into it
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