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Faisal 683d
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Carson Shefferly
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Marko 682d
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Bahrijehaxha 682d
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Josue Mata 682d
Josue Mata
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Altin Veliu
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So are you someone who can watch a horror movie at night? Buy yourself your lights off and everything. Or do you have to be or someone or watch a journey there because you'll be too scared to me even then.
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I think I like watching horror movies only at night just for the experience like what's the point in the day is not like after you finish watching a bad night you'd be sitting in your bed thinking about it you know
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Yeah cause that's the most ideal time to watch from union which one do you need it I wanna make sense
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Okay, so I can and then I can't so like I can turn it on you know and then watch one but Sometimes you know The movie would scare me a lot and I'll be like oh fuck I gotta sleep down and then it just doesn't really end well um, I usually try not to watch any scary movies at night because of that You know where I'll have bad dreams or something like that and I'll you know and I'll be able to sleep but But yeah, like I can watch our movies at night. just don't really choose to.
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Yeah for me you're wrong watch a horror movie I know people that watch when is Daytona weather
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Yeah, for sure. I can definitely watch a horror movie at night.
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No, 100% Garra go watch a horror movie on that. It's not a problem still 100%
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You must have lost your mind who watches the horror movie at night when they're all alone. That's the straw mic
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Bro watching horror movies by yourself at night just hits different like it just makes the movie a whole better Experience and people like oh, yeah, I guess like it's scary. But like bro. That's the whole point Like I want to I want to feel that like for a level I'm I spent I spent a whole night binge watching all the terrifying movies because I just want I was just like I was in a I was like yo I want to be I want to feel scared like I'm gonna feel like I'm about to get murdered coming out fucking and right after taking this sh...
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It doesn't matter to me if it's a well written movie if there's a little truth behind it you know it's scary it's scary I mean shit happens in the daylight till I mean I think then they're definitely whatever they're doing to convince you that it's carrier at night it's working so kudos to the directors and writers
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I can't wait to hold me that's all there is no how much a hurry and I'm too scared of them now
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Yeah I think the whole point of horror movies to watch at night and to make it as scary as possible then I don't know it's not the same vibe
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