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Confession time I ate an entire carton of double stuffed Oreos and 24 hours almost single-handedly a couple people had a couple but it was mostly me what is your snack of choice or kids get such fun snacks and I wanted to pick some up for myself this week so if you picked up a snack for yourself what would it be
My guilty pleasure is either Reesie's eggs or just Reesie's in general but the eggs when they have them or nutty buddies but they have to be nutty buddies in the fridge
I love hot Cheetos those are like my guilty pleasure with a nice crisp Dr Pepper yummy so good but I also love to steal my toddler snacks because those snacks hit when you have the midnight one
That is totally OK sometimes you just have to do that for me ice cream ice cream is my weakness that is my all-time favorite dessert does not matter what time of year it is but it definitely taste better when it's warm out I have ice cream like every night
My favorite snack and indulgence is my homemade chocolate chip cookies. They're just so good I am addicted to them I do have one a day and I try to like cap it at that
OK so my favorite snack is a bag of Lays potato chips and a good Hershey's bar either dark chocolate or I love to get the dark chocolate but I just love that sweet and salty combination
Lately I've been craving like kettle chips, which I don't normally have and I happen with like Valentina sauce which is you know what that is it's hot sauce and it's so spicy See it, it's so good.
I feel you on the Oreo thing except for me it's chips ahoy it's pretty bad but I also really enjoy ice cream I have an ice cream girl through and through