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Oh my tires are being taken away now Man it's the view is going to be so nice but man I don't like the thought of just looking out at nothing like my dick is legit 10 to 15 feet from the water now like the cliff Keeps in class but it's it's a gradual hell but it's decaying so it's like not safe by any means so this is fun and a fun time right before summer 20 boy
Well those tires won't obstruct your beautiful view now and hopefully they'll put something else in that is a little more safe for your little ones and yourself, you know? but I'm so glad that it's getting all worked on and you get a gorgeous view in the meantime.
I love that you're always so positive yeah I won't be too bad it's not horrible he's going to put up a temporary snow fence for now but as the summer goes on more will fall in and we have to move our home so
I also live in a trailer park and I do not have that view. I would love that kind of view, but I'm also a beach person or like water. So yeah, I'd be all in love with it.
It's so damn cheap to live here we owned it's not really a trailer it's a mobile home but with an addition but yeah we got a move it girls the cliff is going to be Road and take your dick
There's nothing like going outside, chilling on your porch, whether it's your front porch or your back porch, and having the view of the water like I love that. Lucky you, you get to see that every day.
I live in a trailer to end in the back as a lake and I got a watch my kids carefully when they're outside because like the cliff like a little hill is so like uneven it's like it's a mess but yeah
We are on a double wide mobile home with an addition so it's pretty big and we have to move this year because the cliff is actually ruining here it's really steep like we live on I like a 30 feet cliff so
Can you put up something like snow fence or something like that up there since you have kiddos so you don't have to worry about them or or will the property landlord person not go for it?
Yeah that's exactly what we're gonna do we're gonna put a snow fence like pretty close to the back deck there because yeah she's a rolling and we're gonna have to move her trailer this year well mobile home it's bigger than a normal trailer so it's gonna be a pain in the butt