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Lauren Jamson 406d
Lauren Jamson
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Lauren Jamson
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J Savvy
Lauren Jamson
J Savvy
J Savvy
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Rell 406d
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Zeh 406d
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J Savvy
Border bunny 406d
Border bunny
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Jasl 405d
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J Savvy
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Would you rather break someone's heart or have your heart broken? Let me know. I'd say break someone's heart. cuz I don't like having my heart broken and fuck that
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Well since I'm used to having my heart broken and I guess have mine broken because honestly I am numb to it so hey fuck you
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I felt you on that one for sure.
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Because like honestly it just feels like, it just feels like wow, why would I even want to go through that again? But then it's like you're so used to it, it's just like you're just like not even fazed by it anymore.
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Exactly that's why I don't even be chasing relationships the way light is it's too much time to watch energy I can't go through that shit bro
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I'm used to having it broken too but that's why I would break someone else's heart cuz I'm not trying to go through that shit again. Hell no. Fuck that. Fuck that.
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I haven't been in a relationship for three years, so it's like kinda insane. Because throughout those three years I've just been talking to people, but then that That shit never goes to anything because they're fucking bitches.
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Yeah, I feel you. I just got out of a long relationship, but before that I was single for like two years. Now I'm back to just talking to people, but I forgot how shitty it was.
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because a lot of them they'll show interest at first and then they start getting dry or boring or they just get bored of you so then they move on and it's just like it's just like a game you know keep their interest for a while and then they leave.
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same bro I got out of like two year well almost two years relationship it was about to be two years next month.
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Damn bro, I was about to beat like at almost three fucking years, but you know shit was getting too too bad We weren't good for each other anymore. We had to break it off, but I miss every day I'm just trying to work on myself, you know fucking suck
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I still talk to girls because there's a lot of girls that try to talk to me and I'll talk back to them but I won't take it serious because I already know how everyone is.
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Break somebody's heart. I don't got time to go through the pressure again.
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Exactly what I'm saying. Who has time for that shit? Fuck that.
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I'd rather have my broken because you know what they say diamonds are formed under pressure
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yeah bro that's true then you can go to your fucking revenge arc and build yourself home.
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Break someone's heart it's just easier when you have your heart breaking it hurts a lot so I mean big cemetery it's pretty easy
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Yeah, that's exactly what I was saying. Like, I already had my heart broken a lot of times. I'm not really trying to go through that again. whether the birds on the sorry
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I'd rather have my own heart broken because I know I can heal it myself, but if I break someone else's heart then I don't have responsibility of how they heal.
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Yeah, that's true. I see like where you're coming from. I respect that. I would break someone's heart though. So I'm not trying to go through that shit again.
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