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Is this what you jack off to just content humiliating and downgrading women does this get you off Actually better yet. Are you gay? Are you closeted homosexual? It's okay, honey. It's 2023 come out
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pretty hypocritical talk about degrading women when you try and degrade men when they degrade women so you're very hypocritical shut the fuck up
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Bitch, you think you're a fucking therapist, but you've failed on every single analysation, so shut the fuck up, you're not a therapist, sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up.
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Bitch, shut the fuck up. You're the one that's lonely. Like, do you even have a man? Bet you don't, because if you had a man, you wouldn't be chatting like that. So if you actually do have a partner, it's not a man, it's a fucking little simpy-ass little bitch. Me, I've got a girlfriend. Babe? Um, am I some lonely man that can't get a girl? I wouldn't say so. No, you wouldn't say so? Why? Because you've got me in your bed next to you.
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