ZOMBiE ll Dragon Ball Super: Superhero ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ loved it ima tell my kids this came out before the show as a character reference 🐉 #DBZ #Zombieradio #Anime
ZOMBiE ll Double KO💥ima say 9/10: Bully neighbor gets washed up in alleyway, Twice!! #HisTrainingsWasKickininBytheSlap #Zombieradio
ZOMBiE ll 📓Will @bobtdq take a Crown? 🏰 Make sure Yall at the BattleRoyal Selection show this Saturday to find out more about the Next Awards✨ #westillhere #zombieradio #kingofstereo #zombie #wakeandbake #royal