ZOMBiE ll Dragon Ball Super: Superhero ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ loved it ima tell my kids this came out before the show as a character reference 🐉 #dbz #zombieradio #animeSuivre1510PartagerCopier le lien sur la publication
ZOMBiE ll Question: How much should you tip for a 20$ pizza pie? 🍕🧟♂️ #ZombPizza #Zombieradio #AskingForaMadFriend #ithink5isCoolLol
ZOMBiE ll Somebody said he saw a alien playing Dice👽🎲 Um, Why dont we have laws saying you have to be a certain age range to deal in politics? Dude helping him only 2 months younger than him #zombieradio #alien
ZOMBiE ll 📓Will @bobtdq take a Crown? 🏰 Make sure Yall at the BattleRoyal Selection show this Saturday to find out more about the Next Awards✨ #westillhere #zombieradio #kingofstereo #zombie #wakeandbake #royal
Legendz Should I get back in the studio to finish original music? This this a clip of "We All Fall Down" TM️
T W N G Y ��👀🥸👒✨😂 ✨👀🥸👒✨😂 ✨👀🥸👒✨😂credit:fukay1070/ prikollman #FYP #KG #SFX #comedic #subway #transit #comedy #disguise #Kuntgang ✨👀🥸👒✨😂 ✨👀🥸👒✨😂 ✨👀🥸👒✨😂