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Bethany Dingman
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Bethany Dingman
Stephanie 677d
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I really want to talk about mental health and navigating professional spaces. For me, I'm a medic, so obviously working in a clinical setting, talking about your mental health is so, so taboo even though nowadays it's more encouraged, it's still very taboo in the sense of, yeah it's encouraged. But if I now start talking about my mental health and I get diagnosed or something, hey, I could risk my life since I'm practicing as a doctor, right? So it's like, yeah, there's these conversations not being encouraged, but people almost feel like they're a trap. So I want to know from your perspective, whatever profession you do, how does your mental health affect your day-to-day professional life? if you're someone like with a corporate job like do you have mental health days off what your mental health days look like because I know some people literally will book and will leave just to get their life together.
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I definitely can understand a little bit of what you're saying just because when I was training for the police academy like you had to pass like you know so many like mental health points otherwise you could get qualified and so it kind of scared me away from like really talking about the star was I have but now with my current job it's an office job and I just left a fat I got food restaurant job
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I was pretty open about my mental health just because I don't want to feel ashamed and hide it I am so I'm pretty open and honest that I do struggle from time to time and there are occasions where I might need a mental health day but I've actually only ever taken one out of the past like some years that I've worked so
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I am just coming to the conclusion that I actually need a mental health day Innoway I kind of feel like maybe it's a hormonal imbalance maybe some migraine issue I think what I've noticed is when I need them
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