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So here are my tips and feel free to add any of yours, but here are my tips on having a healthy work-life balance. So number one, I think it's important to understand that in a day there's only so many hours 24, like you want to get some sleep, you want to be productive, you want to have time for rest, etc. So I think not having overwhelming amounts of of things on your to-do list every single day is the first step to prevent burnout. So making sure you're achieving enough and like more than enough in a day but not setting your standards extremely high to the point where it's like over time it's not sustainable to keep up that work ethic and that leads me on to my second point which is understanding every single day cannot be like you working at 1000% okay like some days you're gonna be working at 1000% right? Some days you'll probably only be working maybe at 50 to 75 right and then there's some days where you need rest, I'm not going to be working right. So I think trying to space your days out in the week or periods within a month to understand okay, these are the times where I can afford myself to work really really hard and this is the period where I can anticipate rest and I think because you know rest is coming and you have the exciting things coming up, you're probably really going to end up being more productive anyways.