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Manny 684d
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Albion Thaqi 684d
Albion Thaqi
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Alright my people, what's been your win this week? For me I would say it's coming out of Ramadan, fast in all days. And now I'm going forward fast this week, which I should start by this evening. So yeah, let me know what's the new Windows vehicle, what you aim at do.
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My win this week so far is probably managing to go to the gym every day and get my workout in even though I've been a bit ill but still nice to get away for a bit better after 50 minutes or so for this morning
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I'd say getting back into a gym routine Ramadan definitely yeah damage that for me I'm not good at you know these people to go to the gym and allsorts whilst fasting I salute you that's not me but you're getting back into it
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