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What is everybody's thoughts on Ted Lasso? In my opinion this is one of my favorite comedy shows ever and probably one of my favorite TV shows ever. I think that I think it's written amazingly. There are some very funny scenes, great characters in the show and yeah I don't really know really how to describe why this show is so good. I mean there are some downsides to this show there's stuff like the um I'm not a big fan of the film the actual games which the points of the TV show which take place during the games because there's Paul Green screen stuff of that due to a low budget but everything else is done so well and so perfectly. I think this show is great.
Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and check it out. I was wondering what it was, what the hype was about when it comes to lasso, but yeah, I have Apple TV. I've been seeing it. It's on my list. I just haven't bumped it up to priority, so I will now. Now, thanks for this.
I keep hearing people talk about this. I need to see it. I need to see it really bad. I haven't seen it but everyone I know talks about it and I feel left out. I gotta see it.