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Faisal 430d
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ReissThomas Hadaway
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Omar Elhabassi
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Ash 429d
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Mommy 427d
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Who is the greatest villain of all time for me this is a set a family day for question there is so many great villains in all forms of media do other likes of Darth Vader joker the reverse flash And many more but I am as I've used the example of my three favorite villains I would have to say how old those three the best is definitely the reverse flash he such a menacing villain the torment to flash Barry Allen so much across in all forms of media is such a great film
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My opinion the greatest villain ever has to be Jeffrey Jeffrey was hated by everyone there wasn't a single person that like Joffrey from Game of Thrones if you don't know
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This is always a great topic of conversation, but I'd have to say the most basic option, which is Heath Ledger's Joker. It's just phenomenal. I love it so much. Yeah.
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I'm not gonna lie I always have to go with that Heath Ledger performance as the joker that might be the best performance of the villain ever was just thought of Captain of a great character he is in general
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It's me I'm the fucking greatest villain the fuck
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I just started watching the flash and that shit is good I'm not gonna lie reverse flash on my mom he's scary like I'll be scared of him I'm not gonna lie I don't know what it is about him but he creeps me the fuck out I'm a freak out freak freak out
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