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Cristiana Norielle
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Wais Habibi 685d
Wais Habibi
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Spoke I spoke in here before about movie adaptations of video games and how someone good and a lot of them are bad but nobody ever really speaks about the the video game adaptations of movies and how bad they can be I remember playing on the Wii Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix and that was an awful game there are also many others like it but they're also some good ones like that like a like a Harry Potter games like a little rings games pretty much all the Lego games based on movies are very good so what are your thoughts on movies of video game adaptations of movies
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The end of the day it all depends on who's creating the game and how much work is put into it because that new Harry Potter game is really good but for example people probably don't even remember this but there was not a Narnia game and it was so terrible I'm trying to think of another one but yeah that's the worst one that I can think of
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Yeah I think I should bring those back to be honest like a games were so fun
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Do you know that games make more money than films music and television put together and Mobile games make more money than any other type of game including PC PS and Xbox put together as well Mobile games are essentially tiny little gambling machines tiny little addiction machines where they get psychologists to use all of our techniques Pavlovian techniques
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