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What's your favourite coffee beverage I'm like how do you like your coffee I'm always looking for a new recipe so if you have anything new that you do from home or are you going get you know by like Starbucks or Tim's if you're from Canada I don't know if the US has Tim's anyways let me know your favourite coffee beverages I am always open to try new things especially copy
Might go to recently I have an espresso so I use one other like ice like ice coffee pods so what I do is I'll put the coffee in a mug obviously and then I'll put in the freezer for sometime because I don't like to put ice right away because it waters it down in my opinion And then in the meantime I get like a cup ready put some caramel sauce on the side
Also I like to put like caramel syrup down like you know the drizzle around the cup then I'll put some ice and then sometimes if I have a heavy are use a killer caramel macchiato creamer the Starbucks brand and that's basically it but if I use the Nespresso pod that's just like a shot I'll put some creamer oh and then old milk and then that's it