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What's your favourite ice cream flavours I have so many I think my number one is the maple walnut my kiddo will eat it and see anything I don't think she really has a favourite but yeah what are yours and your kids if you have kids but you guys to favourite ice cream flavours
So I don't eat sweets so I'm just gonna lay out how ice cream is like for me. I'm always a vanilla ice cream girl, just a very basic bland girly. If I want to mix it up, if I want to be a little risque, if I want to be you know a little zesty, I put caramel drizzle on it. If I'm getting like a shake I'll do the What is it? The dulce de leche one, which is literally vanilla caramel.
And when I'm feeling nostalgic, I will buy a box of strawberry shortcake, which I only just freaking found out that Dunkin' Donuts sells literally in a strawberry shortcake cake, which is like my dream. But yeah, that is pretty much it. And I only eat sweets maybe two, three times a year. Like, I just, I don't really eat it. So yeah, that's just a little something about me. about me like with ice cream I usually just take a spoonful and I'm good.
So I'm a very vanilla person very boring if I want to mix it up I like coffee my oldest likes mint chocolate chip like a father does and then my youngest loves chocolate or strawberry yeah that's what we like
You see when I was younger I used to be bubblegum flavor but as I got older I'm more into like It's basic chocolate chip mint Yes, a baseline man chocolate.
We went to Baskin Robbins a couple weeks ago and they have like I think it was Praline, Caramel, something in oh my gosh now I'm gonna go back like today Hey, thank you. So good.
This is a hard ones I love ice cream so much and I feel like there's so many good flavors out there definitely changes for me but I am I don't know if you're familiar with the place called Kilwins it's like ice cream and candy store so good on my favorite flavor is there a toasted coconut ice cream it's like coconut ice cream with chocolate covered pieces of coconut so so good
Mine is just plain vanilla just because I can like add things to it, mix things in it, and then it will be like good. I don't like chocolate ice cream like at all. My second favorite would probably be like a cookie dough or like an Oreo, but but usually it's just like vanilla.