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What is the point of lying in a relationship or to your partner? Like honestly, I want to know. Because I feel like when you come into something new, like this is your time to tell your partner everything. And if they accept you for that, great. But if they don't, let that shit go. like let it go don't try and force something that's not gonna work you know yeah like out the freaking gate I know me and my husband we were very honest about everything and you know there's things in our past that like we're not happy about but it's happened you know and we both chose to leave that in the past and appreciate that the, you know, person told, well, that he told me I told him. So, um, yeah, I want to know like what is the point of lying to your partner?
The key is to stay honest and be honest with your partner's share of the relationship with your significant other. The Grona G guys are free, upfront and honest with each other. I honestly don't care. I really do.
No, I absolutely agree. By being so upfront and honest with your partner, it goes such a long way. Like I'll tell you right now with my husband, ooh, there's obviously things in both of our past that we're not happy about, but instead of just hiding that away from him or he hiding that away from me, no, we both just are very open and thankful we're able to even talk about stuff like that.
For sure the key is definitely to stay honest as honest as possible because if you're honest that means you're communicating for the most part I was honestly does not equal communication but communicating with honesty is going to get you 1,000,000 mph ahead 1000 miles and you know what I'm trying to say a lot farther down OK I can't even talk you know what I mean honesty is the key
Well I always think that people live for different reasons and I don't always think that people like to hide something or the manipulate very often the lighter describe the situation are denotes a great drama well I think they think if they don't live A drama will be in the door
Great question the only time that I can condone lying is if you are lying to hide a surprise from them and nano bullshit cheating on you surprise like I'm leaving you but like a birthday surprise or just a random surprise. Besides that there is literally no point because all you're doing is just causing more harm for the relationship
Ooh, that's actually, I didn't even think of that like lying for like literally surprising the person. Yes, that's the only time I would condone it as well. But yeah, like you said, the cheating, nah, that's out.
To me turn the truth is the foundation of a good relationship if you can tell the truth then you can do anything then you make it through anything as a couple but sometimes the truth hurts so goes both ways if you wanted to talk to truth you wouldn't get the truth so that's my opinion
I agree with you, Truths for sure is the foundation of a good relationship and I feel like that's why like my husband and I, we are very open and honest with each other so it's just a lot, I don't know, I guess it's like what would be the point of us lying now? we've told each other everything, you know? But yeah, I agree.
I love the last part unless it's your parents. But no, I do agree. Like, yeah, you really shouldn't be lying to anyone because for what, you know, yeah, truth hurts but yeah I'd rather be told the truth.
What can I say? I agree with you entirely. There is no point in lying. Just ends up hurting even more. And yes, being honest, that can hurt also, but lying is much, much worse.
yes because it's like i feel i truly do believe that when the truth does come out after you've been lying to the person it does hurt so much more because it's like damn if you could lie to me about this one thing like what else have you been lying about you know
I think this is a very good one. I cannot find like a solid good reason to choose to lie at any point in a relationship, whether it's early on. Like, I understand maybe people want to do it in order to like try to show a better version of themselves, but it's never going to be good for you. for you like it will come back to you in some way like one way or another or like you're gonna build a falls like
You literally hit, you hit it on the nail. Every lie that, I won't say every lie, but eventually the truth always, you know, comes out. And I think that's saying where what's done in the dark eventually comes to light. I think that's very true and I've seen it happen. And so I think my biggest fear and even coming into my current like, well, marriage is I don't want any secrets. like let's just lay it all out there, you know?
and like i get it not telling someone the truth to try and protect them from certain things i get that but at the same time it hurts a little bit more once they find out like you know what i'm saying so yeah yeah
I feel like we grown, what we land for ain't nobody gonna whoop our ass. So what's the point of life if in a relationship? If you're gonna be single to like to fuck multiple people, Stay single and fuck multiple people.