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so I'm finally off work I'm exhausted I'm tired literally just like me the weekend to be here but I really would love a foot rub right now like right now I have not been on my feet but like it just would call me you know like I don't know if you guys can relate right but whenever my husband touches me or like it doesn't have to be like rubbing my feet or like you know anything like sexual. what I mean is like just like like you know massage like literally massages me or touches me it calms me down. can anybody else relate? like it's like a piece that like overcomes you when you're around your partner like when they touch you. can anyone relate to that? because I really just need his like touch right now. It would feel so great because I'm so tired. Mentally exhausted.
Shut the front freaking door because I literally always wanted to be a massage therapist. It is, I just feel like it is such a really like a more peaceful vibe. Um, and I feel like it's still satisfying for me because it's like, I'm not a massage therapist, but I want to be. Um, but I feel like it's just like, I get to help you like relax. You know what I'm saying so
Yes for sure, I think that after a long day it doesn't even have to be like massaging but just like being near him and like touching him or him touching me just not in a sexual way but like just like keeping my hand on his chest or whatever. It's just so calming and one thing I do love incredibly much is like when he's playing with my hair and like sort of like lightly massaging my scalp is just so good.
Oh my gosh that sounds so relaxing. It's like those light touches. Yes, those honestly make me so sleepy too. But I totally give it what you mean. literally it's amazing