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hey everyone so do your friends ever feel some type of way if you're like nah i'ma just like hang out with my boo tonight or i just don't feel like hanging out like i just want some me time thankfully i can say my friends are super understanding um they know me though they know that like I don't for me like I really do value being alone and so even though I can be in a space with them and like we don't have to talk like me my friends we don't have to talk it's still the part of like being alone and like having my own thoughts without even like thinking about knowing someone else is there in the room with me like you know so anyways let me know do you guys do your friends ever felt some type of way or are they understanding like you know with you guys reschedule, let me know.
I am I think my friends do you sometimes feel that way in a boxing thought that way some time with my friends who did that to me because sometimes like if we plan some thing or a reschedule to hang out and then you're like well I just wanna be with my boyfriend tonight it's like girl that they will be there tomorrow like be for real
No, I get you a thousand percent because I get it like there's some times it's like oh You know, I was really hoping for a good time a good girls night out But I also know there's times where I know I'm like I literally deal with people all day and The dumb questions that they ask and so I'm like I just want some peace and quiet especially when I'm PMSing Oh my god, no, I don't want to ruin the mood, you know
I think for me with my friends they all, most of them at least, values them alone time as well to some extent so they're usually very forgiving and understanding about it. Not forgiving because there's nothing wrong in it I think but yeah it depends on the person really I'd say but most of my friends are very accepting of that as well and because they probably want to do the same for themselves. See ya.
That's really good that your friends understand. Because I've seen so many debates about this on Twitter and stuff. But yeah, and I feel like the biggest thing too is even if I'm not alone, like and I'm with my partner, it's like I'm living with them. I'm not living with you guys and yes I get it that's the whole point of us hanging out but like especially after a long day of work sometimes you literally just don't want to do anything you know so I'm always like, hmm, like, why get mad, you know?
exactly like I did I hung out with my friends yesterday and it was really really good seeing them but I was exhausted and I felt so bad because this was like literally work has been whooping my butt but I still was like I don't want to neglect them either and they understood still but we had this whole conversation too because one of my friends wants to move out of the country and we were all like do what's best for you like don't stop because work here like you know
Mind you she wants to move out of the country because her boyfriend is in another country as well and so For me it was like well that I think we understand that You know obviously things are getting serious and so that is gonna be someone that is your family your immediate family at that So absolutely do what's best for you. Don't stick around or stay here Trying to make things work when you want to be over there, you know so we were totally understanding and supportive.
I mean your friends should be there to be honest, know you, give you good advice, and be people that you respect for that advice. So yeah, they should totally get you.
definitely definitely and I think I don't know if your friends aren't supportive supportive or supporting you you definitely have to reevaluate I'm truly grateful for my friends because there's been times we've all done it where it's just like we're not feeling well we're tired you know we might be in an irritable mood so why take that out on them you know like but we're also understanding so yeah.