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Alright it's my cousin is here would you rather do an hour of cool workouts or an hour of cardio let me know cause for me personally I think I'd rather do public or I can't call you so bored but yeah let me know
Honestly, I think it depends what you're looking for. If you're looking for like just strength in general and like overall core strength, then obviously you go for the one hour of core. If you're looking to lose weight in general all over your body, then you go for the cardio.
Me personally, I'd rather do one hour of cardio. I feel like one hour of core would just be way, way too much. And I probably wouldn't be able to complete it. So cardio, I don't know how I could get through it. So I'd do that. I'd definitely do that.
Definitely some cardio for hour for me I feel like it'll be a bit easier it's kind of job on a treadmill for our a drag around your neighborhood where we go to work out at so yeah cardio for me