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Alright why do you guys think it's good to work out because I know a lot of people out there I don't work out I don't enjoy working out but my Pinyan working out has a lot of benefits to it for it gets a great physic and helps take your mind off things sometimes
I can't lie, working out is not only good for your body, but it's also good for your mental health, which nowadays is very important in society because people's mental health is down bad Thank you for your time.
See move I'll say get you a grape for Zeke that shit gray fuzzy gets you more respect everything gets you more hoes and the rush just called and it's suppresses mental pain it's overall just fired fuck
Personally I'd say it's good to work out so you know you don't get fat, you know, unhealthy. You know, it's good for mental health as well, working out. So yeah.
I mean I think it's good to work out for mental health and health in general with your body and whatnot because you know, it's like your body's a vessel and you got to look after it.
I am not I think every single human on the planet needs to work out it doesn't only improve your physical standards it improves mentally and improve your health and improve your mood to go to the gym you fat fuck
One I will be acidic as fuck to lifting heavy circles just wanna say 03 I'm a fitness model so like it's kind of the best sleep I fucking job to do it but you
It's good to work out because it keeps you healthy and fit. I've noticed everything's improved in my life mentally and even physically. I think anyone else is they don't want to go or can't go just make a excuse
Well I go like, I think it's good because it's just fun. If you go for me, just for me. It's just good, like I want this moment with a friend and like it's just good because you just talk to people and then you just Could you do your own thing as well?