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Good evening, Shadow Supernova. Shout out to you. Hope you're having a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening wherever you are in the world. So I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to with top or bottom. I like the person above me. Top bunk bed. That's hilarious. I'm going to go on a limb here and think you're talking about sex. So I actually prefer to be on top. Shout out to you.
The reason why I like to be on top personally is it's easier for me to be comfortable and I feel like it touches the special spot even though I've never achieved what I like a special moment with the special spot it still feels a lot nicer versus being on the bottom I feel like I'm being crushed you know so yeah
Um, but if you're not talking about sex, uh, maybe you're talking about fitness clothes. What we prefer in fitness clothes. Um, I, I actually like support from a full outfit. Um, I need a really good sports bra. And I like the high rise leggings because, um, it supports my, uh, mommy tummy that I have from having kids. Um, so yeah, shout out to good fitness clothes.